Low Location Lighting system onboard the three sisters
Signwell has been contracted by Helsinki Shipyard to supply and realize both the LED & Photoluminescent Low Location Lighting systems for the three sisters of Swan Hellenic, SH Minerva, SH Vega and SH Diana. The installation of the Low Location Light Systems has been done thoroughly by our skilled installation team to meet the strictest regulations of the maritime industry (IMO RESOLUTION A.752(18) and ISO 15370) and in that way create an effective escape route system on board the ships.
The approach and scope of the project
The scope for the projects included the following:
Advice on positioning
Installation of the active LED-/ Photoluminescent Low Location Light Systems on site.
Starting points for the LLL projects with regard to laws and regulations:
IMO RESOLUTION A.752(18) and ISO 15370 for Low Location Light systems
About the three sisters
SH Minerva
The 9 decks 5 star elegant Scandi-design boutique ship has been designed to journey to off the beaten path destinations and remote polar regions in style and comfort. The ship incorporates a PC5 ice – strengthened hull combined with extra- large stabilizers to make the journey as smooth as possible for the passengers onboard. With a length of 115m, a draft of 5,5m and a width of 23m she can cruise with an speed of 15,5 knots in open water.
The 9 decks 5 star elegant Scandi-design boutique ship has been designed to journey to off the beaten path destinations and remote polar regions in style and comfort. SH Vega has been named after the first ship to cross the Arctic Northeast Passage. The ship incorporates a PC5 ice – strengthened hull combined with extra- large stabilizers to make the journey as smooth as possible for the passengers onboard. With a length of 115m, a draft of 5,5m and a width of 23m she can cruise with an speed of 15,5 knots in open water.
SH Diana
The largest of the three sisters is SH Diana. Built to provide a elegant and spacious 5-star accommodation for up to 192 guests which is 40 more that the sister ships SH Minerva and SH Vega accommodates. SH Diana will explore the Mediterranean and its famous sites of antiquity. She is named after the Ancient Roman goddess of light, the moon, hunting and the wilderness. SH Diana has been designed for worldwide cruising to explore the uttermost inspiring and inaccessible places on mother earth. What differs SH Diana from her sisters? SH Diana has a dedicated multifunctional room next to her observation lounge, a private dining room for special occasions and two tenders which brings her guests in comfort during expeditions. SH Diana has a polar class 6 ice strengthened hull combined with extra large stabilizers to make the journey a comfortable experience. She has a length of 125m, width of 23m and a cruising speed of 14,5 knots.
Implementation of the Low Location Light System
Signwell takes care of the entire process. Everything from planning to realisation of the Low Location Light System. Our team will do the engineering and layout and produce the LLL in our production facilities, in order for us to adequately realise your deliveries and projects. We produce the LLL by appropriate quality requirements, to endure the environment and desired life span of the complete LLL system. Our installation team specialized in Low Location Lighting Systems, will take care of the implementation, and make sure that the LLL system is installed accordingly.
Read more about our LED Low location Light systems here:
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